Update March 26 11pm

So Hockey Night in Canada came and went with no mention of Own The Leafs! Oh well, always next week. We will get mentioned on Coach’s Corner. Anyone with contacts, please email: owntheleafs@hotmail.com

I did a google search on Own The Leafs and the articles floating around are awesome! Some + feedback and some – feedback but people are talking.

Our first email blast will be sunday night. Keep an eye out for it and pass it on to friends not yet connected to the Dream!

The email opt ins have slowed a little but the amount of Pledge/email is increasing.

A few of my favourite comments today:

I have been a fan all my life. It would be great to be able to have some ownership in a professional sports franchise. When I finished my basement I painted it in Maple Leaf Blue and White complet with Stanley cup banners hanging on the walls. Count me in.


I think this is one of the best ideas to hit Canada in ages. It gives you a dream that actually could come true. I would like 3 shares. One for myself and one for each of my childern. Good luck and I hope this becomes reality.

Currently live in Omaha, NE, but never miss a Leafs game.

This is an absolutely fabulous idea. No matter what happens this will be a success because it will prove to everyone around the world just how passionate Leafs fans really are, and that we are willing to do anything to finally bring the cup HOME! Let me know when you need my money, I’m in!

I would be in for sure! My boyfriend passed away last year and was a huge leaf fan…. I couldn’t pass this up!!!

I have an 15 year old bottle of CC waiting to open when the Leafs win the cup! Count me in.

I’m anything but a Leaf fan. In fact, I’m a Red Wings fan. However, owning an NHL team would be an amazing opportunity and a great investment. I’m willing to pledge One Million dollars for this cause. Best of luck to all of us!


Own The Leafs!

Update March 25 11pm

Here are a few more updates:

Our first email blast will be sunday night. Keep an eye out for it and pass it on to friends not yet connected to the Dream!

A few shout outs:

Thanks to Breakfast Television in Halifax
Thanks to Canada AM
Thanks to 1010AM in Toronto

So here is your update so far:

over 5000 email opt-in and in excess of $50million “committed”

Facebook is now over 1000 likes and we are now shooting for 5000
Twitter account now has over 100 followers @owntheleafs

A few of my favourite comments today:

I’m short on cash but long on the Leafs. I would like to buy 4 shares…..for my wife, my two boys and me. Darren, if you are successful don’t forget about the small investors like me!

As Leaf fans we often complain that ownership doesn’t do enough to bring the Cup back to Toronto. This is an opportunity to do something about it. Count me in.

I have been a leaf fan for 46 yrs and still remember my father enjoying the leafs last cup. I have done my part and passed the leaf dream to my son. For my son and I to own part of the leafs would beyond explaination. It would be just so cool….

Nice job! I am impressed! As a misplaced Torontonian in Vancouver, I am subject to Canucks floggings – I love the Leafs and would love to be involved! Well done!

Like 99.9% of other potential owners, this might be my only chance of owning an NHL team. Just dreaming of becoming a part owner almost brings tears in my eyes. Only ‘O Canada’ and hockey glories and shortfalls can make me cry… think I don’t have a heart for other things. I’ll join when shares are being sold.

I got married in 1967 and I promissed my wife that I would marry her again if Leafs won the CUP. Put me in for $4,000 , my 3 sons & me.


Own The Leafs!

Update March 25 1am

Today has been the busiest day by far:

A few shout outs:

Thanks to Chloe at the Toronto Star for Front Page!
Thanks to Dewayne at CTV Toronto for the interview.
Thanks to Janet Dirks for CTV National news and for putting on her leafs jersey for her story.
Thanks to Ryan at CBC Toronto for a great article.

So here is your update so far:

over 4000 email opt-in and in excess of $40million “committed”

Facebook is close to 800 Likes and we now have a twitter account @owntheleafs

A few of my favourite comments today:

I met my husband 26 years ago and at the beginning of every hockey season he has re-newed faith that his beloved ” LEAFS ” will make it to the Stanley Cup. No matter where he has served in the world or what time he has to get up if he can find a TV to watch ” HIS LEAFS ” then try to stop him !!! He has endured many jokes and lots of razing over the years but his loyalty never wavers. He has spent many hours coaching them, defending them, and cheering for them. Owning a peice of the team would be the perfect gift and make him truly feel a real member of the team.Sign me up!

“I am the grandson of the first goal tender for the leafs, thank you for the Dream”

from Tokyo; “thanks for the hope”

i’m a die-hard home-town canucks fan however i’m also a born and raised ontario boy who grew up on frozen pond cheering on the leafs

I have a husband, son, son-in-law, & grandson …… This would be the coolest thing I could ever do for them!

I would love to own shares in MLSE… This is the best idea i have ever seen..


Own The Leafs!

Update March 23 10pm

Hey Everyone! Thanks for your belief in the dream. The response has been overwhelming. We are now at over 2000 emails opted in and we have close to $35 million in committed dollars. We are calculating that based on the amount that people have put in the comments section that they would be willing to invest.

New Media: Great article in the Toronto Star and Puck Daddy on Yahoo Sports. Our story has made its way to the folks at Hockey Night in Canada!!!

Website: The email opt in is now automatic so that is saving a huge amount of time. There is a web designer now getting a “real” site built and will be up in the next few days.

Legal: We have spoken with a few different firms about helping formalize the structure of the investment fund. More on this as it develops and we choose a partner firm to help guide us through the process.

We are now into day 10 of the dream.

Thanks for all your offers of help and we are getting there.

A twitter account has now been set up: owntheleafs
Facebook.com/owntheleafs is close to 500 Likes


Own The Leafs!

Update March 21 6pm

Hey Everyone! Thanks for your belief in the dream. The response has been overwhelming. We are moving along towards making the dream come true

New Media: Great article in the Toronto Star and Puck Daddy on Yahoo Sports

Media so far:

Sun Media including Toronto Sun, Ottawa Sun, Calgary Sun
Radio: 640AM. 1010AM, 630 Ched, CBC Radio
TV: Global Toronto, Alberta Primetime

I know the website needs lots of work but our priority is getting the structure set up.

Remember we are only 8 days into the dream.

We are getting all the emails into a database so we can get a daily update for everyone.

A few FAQ’s:

1) It’s not a scam :) We are a group of people passionate about sport and see an opportunity to own a piece of history and our sporting future.

2) Anyone will be able to buy in (including americans :) )

3) Believe in the dream! It is real.


Own The Leafs!